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Here is a list of scientific results using mpiv as far as we know.

* Books [#x344305b]
+ J. Dijkstra, W Broece, and A.. Frits van Tol (2009)
Quantification of the failure mechanism of a granular material next to a displacement pile, in Contemporary Topics in In Situ Testing, Analysis, and Reliability of Foundations.  Edited by M. Iskander, D.F. Laefer, and M.H. Hussein, ASCE.  2009, pp. 159-166.

* Journal Papers [#l0ea0667]
+ Arthur J Michalek, Mark R Buckley, Lawrence J Bonassar, Itai Cohen, James C Iatridis (2009)
Measurement of local strains in intervertebral disc anulus fibrosus tissue
under dynamic shear: Contributions of matrix fiber orientation and
elastin content, 
Journal of Biomechanics, 42, pp. 2279-2285.
+ Ahmed M Mahmoud, Jefferson C Frisbee, Alexandre D'Audiffret  and Osama M Mukdadi (2009) 
[[In vivo vascular wall tissue characterization using a strain tensor measuring (STM) technique for flow-mediated vasodilation analyses:]], 
Phys. Med. Biol. 54 6217-6238
+ O. Manneberg, B. Vanherberghen, B. ?felt and M. Wiklund (2009)
[[Flow-free transport of cells in microchannels by frequency-modulated ultrasound:]], Lab Chip, 2009, 9, pp.833-837.
DOI: 10.1039/b816675g
+H. Delanoe-Ayari, S. Iwaya, Y. T. Maeda, J. Inose, C. Riviere1 M. Sano, and J.-P. Rieu  (2008)
Changes in the Magnitude and Distribution of Forces at Different Dictyostelium Developmental Stages,
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 65, pp.314–331.
+ Rongsheng Lin, David T. Burke, and Mark A. Burns (2008) 
Addressable Electric Fields for Size-Fractioned Sample Extraction in Microfluidic Devices, 
Analytical Chemistry A, American Chemical Society, doi:10.1021/ac048132.
+ Gavin K. Reynolds, Amol M. Nilpawar, Agba D. Salman and Michael J. Hounslow (2008) 
[[Direct measurement of surface granular temperature in a high shear granulator:]], 
Powder Technology, Volume 182, Issue 2, 22 February, Pages 211-217.
+ J. Enrique Juli, Leonor Hernadez, Sergio Chiva and Antonio Vela (2007)
[[Hydrodynamic characterization of a needle sparger rectangular bubble column: Homogeneous flow, static bubble plume and oscillating bubble plume:]],
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 62, Issue 22, November 2007, Pages 6361-6377
+ Guanhao Wu, Yan Yang and Lijiang Zeng (2007) 
Routine turning maneuvers of koi carp Cyprinus carpio koi: effects of turning rate on kinematics and hydrodynamics, 
The Journal of Experimental Biology 210, pp.4379-4389, doi:10.1242/jeb.009787.
+ Guanhao Wu, Yan Yang and Lijiang Zeng (2007) 
[[Kinematics, hydrodynamics and energetic advantages of burst-and-coast swimming of koi carps (Cyprinus carpio koi):]], 
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 210, doi:10.1242/jeb.001842, pp.2181-2191
+ Guanhao Wu, Yan Yang and Lijiang Zeng (2006) 
[[Novel method based on video tracking system for simultaneous measurement of kinematics and flow in the wake of a freely swimming fish:]], 
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 77, 114302.
+ Ryu, Y., K.A. Chang and N. Mori (2005) 
[[Dispersion of neutrally buoyant horizontal round jet in wave environment:]], 
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.131, No.12, pp.1088-1097.
+ Young-Heon Jo; Xiao-Hai Yan; Homan Lee; Ming-Xia He; Liu, W.T. (2005) [[Estimation of sea surface current derived from TRMM sea surface temperature using feature tracking techniques:]], 
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IGARSS apos;05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International, Volume 4, Issue , 25-29 July 2005, pp.2576-2579

* Conference Proceedings [#m725092c]
+ M Sun, YP Liu, JK Wang (2009)
[[Dynamic flight stability of a hovering hoverfly:]], 
in New Trends in Fluid Mechanics Research. Edited by FG Zhuang, JC Li., Springer, pp. 626-637.
+ G. H. Wu, Y. Yang and L. J. Zeng (2009)
[[Experimental Hydrodynamics of Turning Maneuvers in Koi Carps:]], 
in New Trends in Fluid Mechanics Research, pp. 630-633. 
+ J. Dijkstr, W. Broere, and A.F. van Tol (2006) Experimental investigation into the stress and strain development around a displacement pile. In J. Lindenberg, M. Bottiau, and A.F. van Tol, editors, Piling and Deep Foundations DFI 2006, pages 252-259.
+ Keisuke Nakayama and Keita Furukawa (2006) 
Mixing Due to the Breaking of Internal Kelvin Waves on a Uniform Slope, Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Stratified Flows.
+ Kashima, H., N. Mori and S. Kakuno (2006) Air bubble measurements of the surf zone breaking waves by bubble tracking velocimetry, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, pp.934-945.
+ Kasai, Y., N. Mori, H. Kashima, S. Kakuno and T. Orihashi (2006) Development of water-exchangeable breakwater using vertical walls with apertures, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, pp.4792-4802.
+ Kasai, Y., N. Mori, H. Kashima, Orihashi T. and S. Kakuno (2006) Development of Water-Exchangeable Breakwater, TECHNO-OCEAN2006, 19th JASNAOE Ocean Engineering Symposium, CD-ROM, P-55, 9p.
+ Orihashi, T., S. Kakuno, H. Kashima and N. Mori (2005) Current and vortex characteristics induced by vertical shin wall with horizontal slit, Third Asia Pacific Coasts 2005: APAC2005, pp.789-804. 
+ Chang, K.A., Mori, N. and Y. Ryu (2004) Diffusion of turbulent jet under waves using PIV and LIF, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, vol.1, pp.555-567.
+ Chang, K.A, Y. Ryu and N. Mori (2002) Dispersion of neutrally buoyant round horizontal jet under wavy environment, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Cardiff, UK, vol.3, pp.3104-116.