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Here is a list of scientific results using mpiv as far as we know.

* Books [#x344305b]
+ J. Dijkstra, W Broece, and A.. Frits van Tol (2009)
Quantification of the failure mechanism of a granular material next to a displacement pile, in Contemporary Topics in In Situ Testing, Analysis, and Reliability of Foundations.  Edited by M. Iskander, D.F. Laefer, and M.H. Hussein, ASCE.  2009, pp. 159-166.

* Journal Papers [#l0ea0667]
+ Yvonne Aratyn-Schaus and Margaret L. Gardel (2010) Transient Frictional Slip between Integrin and the ECM in Focal Adhesions under Myosin II Tension, Current Biology 20, 1145–1153.
+ Li Kun Wang, Paul Wan Sia Heng, and Celine Valeria Liew (2010) Classification of Annular Bed Flow Patterns and Investigation on Their Influence
on the Bottom Spray Fluid Bed Coating Process, Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 27, No. 5, May 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s11095-009-0046-5
+ Arthur J Michalek, Mark R Buckley, Lawrence J Bonassar, Itai Cohen, James C Iatridis (2009)
Measurement of local strains in intervertebral disc anulus fibrosus tissue
under dynamic shear: Contributions of matrix fiber orientation and
elastin content, 
Journal of Biomechanics, 42, pp. 2279-2285.
+ Ahmed M Mahmoud, Jefferson C Frisbee, Alexandre D'Audiffret  and Osama M Mukdadi (2009) 
[[In vivo vascular wall tissue characterization using a strain tensor measuring (STM) technique for flow-mediated vasodilation analyses:]], 
Phys. Med. Biol. 54 6217-6238
+ O. Manneberg, B. Vanherberghen, B. ?felt and M. Wiklund (2009)
[[Flow-free transport of cells in microchannels by frequency-modulated ultrasound:]], Lab Chip, 2009, 9, pp.833-837.
DOI: 10.1039/b816675g
+H. Delanoe-Ayari, S. Iwaya, Y. T. Maeda, J. Inose, C. Riviere1 M. Sano, and J.-P. Rieu  (2008)
Changes in the Magnitude and Distribution of Forces at Different Dictyostelium Developmental Stages,
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 65, pp.314–331.
+ Rongsheng Lin, David T. Burke, and Mark A. Burns (2008) 
Addressable Electric Fields for Size-Fractioned Sample Extraction in Microfluidic Devices, 
Analytical Chemistry A, American Chemical Society, doi:10.1021/ac048132.
+ Gavin K. Reynolds, Amol M. Nilpawar, Agba D. Salman and Michael J. Hounslow (2008) 
[[Direct measurement of surface granular temperature in a high shear granulator:]], 
Powder Technology, Volume 182, Issue 2, 22 February, Pages 211-217.
+ J. Enrique Juli, Leonor Hernadez, Sergio Chiva and Antonio Vela (2007)
[[Hydrodynamic characterization of a needle sparger rectangular bubble column: Homogeneous flow, static bubble plume and oscillating bubble plume:]],
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 62, Issue 22, November 2007, Pages 6361-6377
+ Guanhao Wu, Yan Yang and Lijiang Zeng (2007) 
Routine turning maneuvers of koi carp Cyprinus carpio koi: effects of turning rate on kinematics and hydrodynamics, 
The Journal of Experimental Biology 210, pp.4379-4389, doi:10.1242/jeb.009787.
+ Guanhao Wu, Yan Yang and Lijiang Zeng (2007) 
[[Kinematics, hydrodynamics and energetic advantages of burst-and-coast swimming of koi carps (Cyprinus carpio koi):]], 
The Journal of Experimental Biology, 210, doi:10.1242/jeb.001842, pp.2181-2191
+ Guanhao Wu, Yan Yang and Lijiang Zeng (2006) 
[[Novel method based on video tracking system for simultaneous measurement of kinematics and flow in the wake of a freely swimming fish:]], 
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 77, 114302.
+ Ryu, Y., K.A. Chang and N. Mori (2005) 
[[Dispersion of neutrally buoyant horizontal round jet in wave environment:]], 
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.131, No.12, pp.1088-1097.
+ Young-Heon Jo; Xiao-Hai Yan; Homan Lee; Ming-Xia He; Liu, W.T. (2005) [[Estimation of sea surface current derived from TRMM sea surface temperature using feature tracking techniques:]], 
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IGARSS apos;05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International, Volume 4, Issue , 25-29 July 2005, pp.2576-2579

* Conference Proceedings [#m725092c]
+ M Sun, YP Liu, JK Wang (2009)
[[Dynamic flight stability of a hovering hoverfly:]], 
in New Trends in Fluid Mechanics Research. Edited by FG Zhuang, JC Li., Springer, pp. 626-637.
+ G. H. Wu, Y. Yang and L. J. Zeng (2009)
[[Experimental Hydrodynamics of Turning Maneuvers in Koi Carps:]], 
in New Trends in Fluid Mechanics Research, pp. 630-633. 
+ J. Dijkstr, W. Broere, and A.F. van Tol (2006) Experimental investigation into the stress and strain development around a displacement pile. In J. Lindenberg, M. Bottiau, and A.F. van Tol, editors, Piling and Deep Foundations DFI 2006, pages 252-259.
+ Keisuke Nakayama and Keita Furukawa (2006) 
Mixing Due to the Breaking of Internal Kelvin Waves on a Uniform Slope, Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Stratified Flows.
+ Kashima, H., N. Mori and S. Kakuno (2006) Air bubble measurements of the surf zone breaking waves by bubble tracking velocimetry, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, pp.934-945.
+ Kasai, Y., N. Mori, H. Kashima, S. Kakuno and T. Orihashi (2006) Development of water-exchangeable breakwater using vertical walls with apertures, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, pp.4792-4802.
+ Kasai, Y., N. Mori, H. Kashima, Orihashi T. and S. Kakuno (2006) Development of Water-Exchangeable Breakwater, TECHNO-OCEAN2006, 19th JASNAOE Ocean Engineering Symposium, CD-ROM, P-55, 9p.
+ Orihashi, T., S. Kakuno, H. Kashima and N. Mori (2005) Current and vortex characteristics induced by vertical shin wall with horizontal slit, Third Asia Pacific Coasts 2005: APAC2005, pp.789-804. 
+ Chang, K.A., Mori, N. and Y. Ryu (2004) Diffusion of turbulent jet under waves using PIV and LIF, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, vol.1, pp.555-567.
+ Chang, K.A, Y. Ryu and N. Mori (2002) Dispersion of neutrally buoyant round horizontal jet under wavy environment, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Cardiff, UK, vol.3, pp.3104-116.